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ARIZONA Half Staff Status
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START: 5/29/2014
END: 5/29/2014
All flags to half staff in honor of Border Patrol Agent Alexander Gianini
Arizona Governor Brewer ordered flags at all state office buildings be lowered to half-staff from sunrise until sunset on Thursday, May 29, 2014 in honor of Border Patrol Agent Alexander Gianini who died on Wednesday, May 28, 2014 in an on-duty single vehicle accident near Benson. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 5/16/2014
END: 彗星加速器手机版
All flags to half staff in honor of Sergeant Major Martin Barreras
Arizona Governor Brewer ordered flags at all state office buildings lowered to half-staff from sunrise until sunset on Friday, May 16, 2014 in honor of United States Army Command Sergeant Major Martin Barreras of Tucson, Arizona who died on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 from injuries sustained while serving in Afghanistan.
START: 彗星加速器官网
END: 12/20/2013
Flags to Half Staff in Arizona in Honor of Joshua B. Silverman
Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered all flags at state office buildings be lowered to half-staff until sunset on Friday, December 20, 2013 in honor of United States Army Chief Warrant Officer Two Joshua B. Silverman of Scottsdale, Arizona who died along with five other soldiers in a helicopter crash on Tuesday, December 17, 2013 in Now Bahar, Afghanistan. All Individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 3/21/2013
END: 3/21/2013
Flags to Half Staff in Arizona in Honor of Chief Petty Officer Christian Michael Pike
Flags to half staff in AZ in honor of Staff Sergeant Jonathan D. Davis
Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered that American flags at all state office buildings be flown at half staff on Saturday, March 2, 2013 in honor Staff Sergeant Jonathan D. Davis of Kayenta, Arizona who died on February 22, 2013 in Helmand province, Afghanistan. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 2/26/2013
END: 2/26/2013
Flags to Half-Staff in Arizona in Honor of Staff Sergeant Jonathan D. Davis
Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered flags at all state office buildings be lowered to half mast from sunrise to sunset on Tuesday, February 26, 2013 in honor of Staff Sergeant Jonathan D. Davis, of Kayenta, Arizona who died on February 22, 2013 in Helmand province, Afghanistan. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 10/23/2012
END: 彗星加速器免费版ios
US Flags to Half Staff in Honor of Ryan J. Savard
October 23, 2012 - Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered that flags at all state office buildings be lowered to half-mast from sunrise to sunset on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 in honor of Sergeant 1st Class Ryan J. Savard of Sierra Vista, Arizona who died on October 13, 2012 in Khanabad District, Afghanistan.
START: 10/13/2012
END: 10/13/2012
US Flags to Half Staff in Honor of Orion N. Sparks
October 11, 2012 - Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered that flags at all State office buildings to be lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Thursday, October 11, 2012 in honor of Border Patrol Agent Nicholas Lvie. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 9/18/2012
END: 彗星加速器app
All Flags to Half Staff in Honor of Christopher K. Raible
September 18, 2012 - Arizona Governor Brewer has directed that flags at all state office buildings be lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Tuesday, September 18, 2012 in honor of Lt. Col Christopher K. Raible and Sgt. Bradley W. Atwell who died on September 15, 2012 in Helmand province, Afghanistan. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 8/14/2012
END: 8/14/2012
Flags to Half Staff in Honor of Richard L. Berry
August 14, 2012 - Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered that flags at all state office buildings be lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Tuesday, August 14, 2012 in honor of SSG Richard L. Berry of Scottsdale, Arizona who died on July 22, 2012 in Kandahar, Afghanistan. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 7/30/2012
END: 7/30/2012
Flags to Half Staff in Honor of Carl E. Hammar
July 30, 2012 - Arizona Governor Brewer has directed flags at all state office buildings be lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Monday, July 30, 2012 in honor of Staff Sergeant Carl E. Hammar on the day of interment at Arlington National Cemetery. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
June 15, 2012 -Arizona Governor Brewer has declared that flags at all state office buildings be lowered to half staff on Friday, June 15, 2012 in honor of Engine Boss Anthony Polk of Yuma, Arizona who died in a car accident in southern Arizona while en route to the Montezuma Fire. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
US Flags to Half Staff in Arizona in Honor of Deputy Sheriff David Wargo
Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered flags at state office buildings be lowered to half-staff on Tuesday, May 8, 2012 in honor of Maricopa County Deputy Sheriff David Wargo who died in the line of duty on May 1, 2012 as a result of severe head trauma received in the line of duty in May of 2003 as he was attempting to detain a fleeing suspect in a supermarket
parking lot.
START: 3/14/2012
END: 彗星加速器免费版ios
US Flags to Half Staff in Arizona in Honor of Arizona Supreme Court Justice Michael Ryan
Governor Jan Brewer has ordered the lowering of all flags at state office buildings to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Wednesday, March 14, 2012, in honor of former Arizona Supreme Court Justice Michael Ryan. Justice Ryan spent 24 years on the bench as a superior court and appellate court judge. He culminated his career as a Supreme Court justice. Additionally, he was a Marine Corps veteran serving in Vietnam, and the recipient of two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star.
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has ordered the lowering of all flags at state office buildings to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Monday, February 27, 2012, in honor of Petty Officer 3rd Class Kyler L. Estrada, 21, of Maricopa, Arizona. Funeral services will be held Monday in Queen Creek.
Petty Officer 3rd Class Kyler L. Estrada died February 14 as a result of a non-combat related training incident in Djibouti. He was assigned to the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit based at Camp Pendleton, California.
START: 2/25/2012
END: 2/25/2012
US flags to Half Staff in Arizona in Honor of Capt. Nathan W. Anderson
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has ordered the lowering of all flags at state office buildings to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Saturday, February 25, 2012, in honor of Capt. Nathan W. Anderson. Capt. Anderson was originally from Amarillo, Texas, and stationed at the Marine Corps Air Station in Yuma. Capt. Anderson died February 22, 2012, as a result of an aviation training accident near the Chocolate Mountains along the California-Arizona border.
START: 2/16/2012
END: 彗星加速器节点
US Flags to Half Staff in Arizona in Honor of Petty Officer 3rd Class Kyler L. Estrada
Governor Jan Brewer has ordered the lowering of all flags at state office buildings to half-staff from sunrise to sunset today, February 16, 2012 in honor of Petty Officer 3rd Class Kyler L. Estrada, 21, of Maricopa, Arizona.
Petty Officer 3rd Class Estrada died February 14 as a result of a non-combat related training incident in Djibouti. Estrada, a Navy hospital corpsman, was assigned to the 11th Marine Expeditionary unit based at Camp Pendleton, California.
START: 彗星加速器手机版
END: 2/3/2012
US Flags to Half Staff in Arizona in Honor of Supreme Court Justice Michael Ryan
Governor Jan Brewer has ordered the lowering of all flags at state office buildings to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Friday, February 3, 2012, in honor of former Arizona Supreme Court Justice Michael Ryan. Funeral services will be held Friday in Phoenix. Justice Ryan spent 24 years on the bench as a superior court and appellate court judge. He culminated his career as a Supreme Court justice. Additionally, he was a Marine Corps veteran serving in Vietnam, and the recipient of two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star.
An announcement to lower flags for his burial at Arlington National Cemetery will be sent in the near future.
Individuals, businesses, and other organizations are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 1/28/2012
END: 1/28/2012
US Flags are at Half Staff in Arizona in Honor of US Marine Corporal Phillip D. McGeath
Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered all flags at state office buildings lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Saturday, January 28, 2012 in honor of United States Marine Corporal Phillip D. McGeath of Glendale, Arizona who died on January 18, 2012 in Helmand province, Afghanistan. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 1/20/2012
END: 1/20/2012
US Flags to Half Staff in Arizona in Honor of Phillip D. McGeath
Governor Jan Brewer has ordered that flags at all state office buildings are lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset today January 20, 2012 in honor of Marine Cpl. Phillip D. McGeath, 25, of Glendale Arizona.
START: 1/13/2012
END: 彗星加速器节点
US Flags to Half Staff in Arizona in Honor of William Coleman
Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered flags at state buildings lowered to half-staff on Friday, January 13, 2012 in honor of Maricopa County Sheriff Deputy William “Bill” Coleman who died in the line of duty on Sunday, January 8, 2012. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 1/8/2012
END: 1/9/2012
US Flags to Half Staff in Arizona in Honor of William Coleman
Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered all flags at state buildings in Arizona should be flown at half-staff immediately, January 8, 2012 until sunset on Monday, January 9, 2012 in honor of Maricopa County Sheriff Deputy William “Bill” Coleman who was fatally shot early this morning in the line of duty while responding to a burglary in progress in Anthem.
START: 12/15/2011
END: 12/15/2011
AZ Flags to Half Staff in Honor of Johnathan B. McCain
Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered that flags at all state buildings be lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Thursday, December 15, 2011 in honor of United States Army Sergeant Class Johnathan B. McCain who died in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan on November 13, 2011. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 11/4/2011
END: 11/4/2011
AZ Flags to Half Staff in Honor of Brad Jones
Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered flags at all state buildings be lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Friday, November 4, 2011 in honor of Glendale Police Officer Brad Jones who died in the line of duty. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 7/31/2011
END: 7/31/2011
US Flags to Half Staff in Arizona in Honor of Deon Dino Classay
US Flags to Half Staff in Arizona in Honor of Darrell Curley
Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered the flags at state offices be lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Saturday, July 2, 2011 in honor Navajo Police Sergeant Darrell Curley who was shot in the line of duty on Saturday, June 25, 2011 and died on Sunday, June 26, 2011. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 6/13/2011
END: 彗星加速器安卓
US Flags to Half-Staff in Arizona in Honor of Martin R. Apolinar
Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered the flags on all 彗星加速器下载 at all offices and facilities in the State of Arizona lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Monday, June 13, 2011 in honor of Staff Sergeant Martin R. Apolinar of Glendale, Arizona who died on May 29, 2011 in Wardak Province, Afghanistan. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 6/8/2011
END: 6/8/2011
US Flags to Half-Mast in Arizona in Honor of John Corey Johnson
Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered flags at all offices and facilities lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Wednesday, June 8, 2011 in honor of Private First Class John Corey Johnson of Phoenix, Arizona who died on May 27, 2011 in Kandahar province, Afghanistan. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 5/20/2011
END: 5/20/2011
American Flags are at Half-Staff in Arizona in Honor of Frank Bryant, Jr.
Arizona: In addition to the Governmental order for Friday, May 20, 2011, Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered that flags be lowered to half-staff on Friday, May 20, 2011 in honor of Lieutenant Col. Frank Bryant, Jr. who died in the line of duty on April 27, 2011 during his deployment as an air advisor to the 438th Air Expeditionary Advisor Group in Kabul, Afghanistan. He will be laid to rest on Friday at Arlington National Cemetery. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 5/20/2011
END: 5/20/2011
American Flags are at Half Mast in Arizona in Honor of Hector Clark and Eduardo Rojas, Jr.
Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered the flags at all State of Arizona offices lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Friday, May 20, 2011 in honor of Border Patrol Agents Hector Clark and Eduardo Rojas, Jr. who both were died early Thursday morning, May 12, 2011 after their SUV was struck by a train near Interstate 8 in the Gila Bend area while assisting in a pursuit of a group of suspected drug smugglers. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 彗星加速器节点
END: 5/13/2011
American Flags are at Half Mast in Arizona in Honor of Border Patrol Agents
Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered flags at all offices and facilities in Arizona lowered to half-staff immediately May 12, 2011 until sunset in honor of two Border Patrol agents who died early this morning as a result of an accident when their SUV was struck by a train near Interstate 8 in the Gila Bend area. Edward Rojas an agent since 2000 and Hector Clark an agent since 2001 were assisting other officials in pursuing a group of suspected drug smugglers when the accident occurred. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 5/10/2011
END: 5/10/2011
American Flags are at Half Mast in Arizona in Honor of Nathan J. Nylander
Arizona Governor Brewer has requested the flags at all buildings and facilities be lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Tuesday, May 10, 2011 in honor Captain Nathan J. Nylander who died on April 27, 2011 at Kabul International Airport, Afghanistan. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 5/9/2011
END: 5/9/2011
American Flags are at Half Mast in Honor of Brian Petrie
Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered flags in Arizona lowered to half-staff today through sunset in honor of CO II Brian Petrie who died in a traffic accident late yesterday en-route to the Department of Corrections’ Cimarron Unit. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 5/6/2011
END: 彗星加速器安卓
American Flags are at Half Mast in Honor of Rolando Tirado
Arizona Governor Brewer has ordered flags lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Friday, May 6, 2011 in honor of Officer Rolando Tirado of the Buckeye Police Department who died in the line of duty on May 1, 2011. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 5/2/2011
END: 5/2/2011
Arizona Peace Officers Day
Arizona Governor Brewer has requested that all flags in Arizona be flown at half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Monday, May 2, 2011 in commemoration of Arizona Peace Officers Day. All individuals are encouraged to join in this tribute.
START: 4/15/2011
END: 4/15/2011
Christian A.S. Garcia
Governor Brewer has requested the flags be flown at half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Friday, April 15, 2011, in honor of Sergeant Christian A.S. Garcia, United States Army. Sgt. Garcia died on April 2, 2011, in Babil, Iraq, of injuries sustained from indirect fire.
SSG Garcia is from Goodyear, Arizona and his funeral is to be held on Friday April 15, 2011 in Killeen, Texas with interment at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery in San Antonio.